In The Ring of Honor (third in the Secrets of the Seven series), our intrepid heroes Sam, Marty, and Theo must flee through the New York subway system and wind up here–in the City Hall station, the very first ever built in New York. When you think of New York’s subways, do you think grime–trash–rats–filth–delays and frustration? You should have been there in 1904, under tiled and vaulted ceilings, glowing skylights, and elegant chandeliers, lining up for your five-cent ticket.
The station is long since abandoned (the curving platform is too small for today’s trains) but occasionally opens for tours. Wish I could have taken one!
My 10 year old son loves your book series. We just finished Ring of Honor and are wondering when the next one comes out? Thanks!
I’m so glad to hear that your son is enjoying the series! I had a lot of fun with Sam, Marty, and Theo, and I love to hear about readers who connect with them as well. Sadly, the publisher decided to end the series after three books. It’s too bad!
If your son really enjoys the brain teasers, he might like The Gollywhopper Games series by Jody Feldman. No American history but lots of games and puzzles.
Thanks so much for writing!
Thanks for your reply. We would have loved to see how the series ended with Sam Marty and Theo and Evangeline. We look forward to seeing more of your writing.
Comment *We came to the website in search of information about the next book for this series. We just saw that the publisher discontinued the series which was incredibly disappointing for my daughter who with the new National Treasure Revival show has gotten into this type of story. Thanks for all your work on the series and if you ever choose an electronic publication let us know.
So glad to hear that your daughter has been enjoying the series! It would have been a lot of fun to continue and I wish it had been possible. Thanks for writing!