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Two Friends, One Cover

Posted by on Oct 20, 2022 in BOOK: Two Friends | 0 comments

CoverSketchDelighted to reveal the cover of my upcoming chapter book, Two Friends, One Dog, and a Very Unusual Week!

“Emily knew what kind of a kid she was. The responsible kind. The kind teachers asked to take a message to the office. The kind who hung up her coat without being asked. The kind who had never been late to school. Not even once.”

And then Rani, plus her big dog Otto, move into Emily’s apartment building….

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Two Friends, One Dog, and an Audiobook!

Posted by on Oct 13, 2022 in BOOK: Two Friends | 0 comments

Black great dane dog

I can’t yet reveal the cover of Two Friends, so I’ll share this photo of my favorite character in the book, Otto the dog. We all need an Otto.

Very excited to share that my upcoming chapter book Two Friends, One Dog, and a Very Unusual Week (out next April) will have an audio edition put out by Listening Library! I’m so eager to hear an actor voice Rani, the narrator’s new best friend–her voice is unique and will be a lot of fun.

Here’s snippet of Rani-speak:

Salutations! Like Charlotte says. You know Charlotte, right? Charlotte’s Web? Charlotte is an Araneus cavaticus–that’s a barn spider. Did you know that the biggest spider of all is the Goliath birdeater? They don’t actually eat birds all that often. They do eat mice, though. It’s a good thing there wasn’t one of those in the barn with Wilbur, or Templeton would have been toast! Their legs can stretch over a foot long. Wouldn’t it be amazing to hear one tap dance?

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What I’ve Been Reading

Posted by on Oct 6, 2022 in What I've Been Reading | 0 comments

0062978586.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_SX500_Actually, listening to. (I’m a big audiobook fan.) My new favorite: Hench: A Novel by Natalie Zina Walschots.

Sometimes a romp, sometimes a deadly serious meditation on moral responsibility, and most of all a book that answers the eternal questions we didn’t know we had, like: Who the heck runs payroll for supervillains? Who does R&D on those space lasers and mind-control rays? Who’s renting the space for the hidden lair? Do minions get health benefits? Do they have HR?

It’s not strictly YA but it could be. Mostly it’s fascinating, suspenseful, and fun. I found the end a bit unsatisfying, though, and am wondering if this is supposed to be the first in a series or at least a trilogy. If so, I’m eager for more!

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The Jean Little Library Praises Brown Is Warm

Posted by on Sep 29, 2022 in Book: BROWN IS WARM, PIcture Books, Reviews | 0 comments

516s3uxFsoL._SX496_BO1,204,203,200_I’m both elated and humbled by this review for Brown Is Warm from the Jean Little Library.

This book is perfect in combining the diversity I want to see in my collection with subjects that teachers and parents are looking for and which will make it a popular choice and, possibly, an enduring classic.

Verdict: If you long for beautiful and diverse high-concept books but know they won’t circulate well for you, this is the book you need for your collection! If those high-concept books are easy circulators for you, this lovely book will be a wonderful addition. Either way, I recommend it for most collections.

Along with the illustrator, the editor, the designer, and the production team, I work my hardest at making a book that is beautiful, lyrical, a pleasure for the senses. But the one thing that is always a bit up in the air is reader engagement. I try to keep my readers in mind always, but I’m not sure any writer can ever really read their own work as a reader would–coming to it completely fresh. And the difficulty is doubled when the writer is an adult and the reader is a child.

It’s so gratifying, then, to hear praise from a librarian not just for the literary quality of the book (I mean, thanks for that, I do appreciate it), but also because she believes it will circulate–go into a reader’s hands over and over again. Because that’s what makes a book complete.

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