Plesiosaurs On Bookshelves!
It’s here! The latest in the Ancient Animal series, Plesiosaurs, releases today. Not the Loch Ness Monster–these are the real thing. A early reader with clear, simple language describes the hunting habits, family life (Did they look after their young? Where did they lay their eggs?), and eventual extinction of these dinosaur relatives. Fun and fascinating!
(Check out Terror Bird and Saber-Toothed Cat for more prehistoric delight.)
Reviewers say:
“Thomson describes in short sentences and simple language how plesiosaurs hunted, got about with their flippers, gave birth to live young, and succumbed at last to an extinction event 65 millions years ago. Details both tantalize (the “smooth stones” in a plesiosaur’s stomach “may have helped to crush food”) and enlighten through concrete example: “Some plesiosaurs were only a bit longer than a broomstick. Some could’ve stretched halfway across a basketball court.” Plant juices up the presentation with dramatic (labeled) portraits of thrillingly toothy predators leaving trails of blood in the water as they eat and are eaten.
Tempting fare for young dino-devotees.”
—Kirkus Reviews
“Thomson brings a third book in the series to life with an entry on the plesiosaur. A title worth purchasing to round out a prehistoric animal collection.”
—School Library Journal
Print Bookstore July 22nd
Print is a relative newcomer to the Portland bookstore scene. (For a small town, we’ve got a very high proportion of restaurants and bookstores. This is something I really appreciate in a city). And they are superb. I love their selection, their beautifully curated kid’s section, and the events they host, all with writers I’d like to become my new best friends.
I’m very honored to be showing up at an event there myself in the near future! If you’re in and around Portland, Maine on July 22, drop by Print at 11:00. I’ll be signing copies of Ancient Animals: Plesiosaurs and Quick, Little Monkey, and there will be a scavenger hunt among the stacks. We’ll all have a blast.
Where: Print Bookstore, 273 Congress St.
When: Saturday, July 22, 11:00
Why: for books and fun!
For more info: (207) 536-4778
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Just Arrived!
An advance copy of Plesiosaur just arrived on my desk–along with a smashingly color-coordinated card from the staff at Charlesbridge. Exciting!
It’s always a good day when proofs arrive! Suddenly that collection of sketches and artwork and facts and sentences and “did we put that page break in the right place” anxiety is–a book! An actual book that actual people will actually read! Very, totally exciting.
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