Around the Neighborhood: Fun with Story and Song
Ages 3-5
Join in singing Around the Neighborhood, a re-imagined version of the classic folksong “Over in the Meadow.” Then we’ll talk about the animals children might see in their own neighborhoods and create a very simple book to take home.

Pirates Everywhere!: Treasure Maps and Pirate Hats
Ages 3-8
Listen to a lively reading of Pirates Ho!, create your own treasure map, find buried treasure, and decorate a pirate hat. Pirate costumes encouraged and no one will need to walk the plank.

Brown Is Warm, Black Is Bright
Ages 7-10
Readers will listen to a reading of Brown Is Warm, Black Is Bright and work on their own poems and artwork celebrating the beauty of the colors brown and black.
In Portland, Maine: $225 per presentation
Outside of Portland, Maine: $900 for 4 presentations a day, $1125 for 5 presentations, plus travel expenses
Contact information: slthomsonbooks@gmail.com